.. _accessories-peripherals: Peripherals ############ .. note:: Most Keyboards, Mouse, and USB Hubs are plug-and-play devices and are supported out of the box in Linux. The list below only shows a subset that has been tested by contributors. Many other options will work without any additional tinkering required on behalf of the user. Keyboard & Mouse Combo *********************** With limited ports availability on BeagleBones it is recommended to use wireless Keyboard & Mouse combos. - `Adafruit keyboard & Mouse w/batteries <https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Adafruit/1738?qs=GURawfaeGuBoaqdx8E%2Fl7w%3D%3D>`_ - `Logitech K400 Plus Keyboard/Touchpad Combo <https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Keyboard-Touchpad-PC-connected/dp/B014EUQOGK/>`_ - `Portronics Key2-A Combo of Multimedia Wireless Keyboard & Mouse <https://www.amazon.in/Portronics-Combo-Multimedia-Wireless-Light-Weight/dp/B07X1KRPDZ/>`_ Keyboards ************ **Make sure that you plug the keyboard into the USB Host connector before powering on the board.** - `Logitech K400 Plus Keyboard/Touchpad Combo <https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Keyboard-Touchpad-PC-connected/dp/B014EUQOGK/>`_ - `Logitech MK345 Keyboard/Mouse Combo <https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-MK345-Wireless-Combo-Right-Handed/dp/B00QXT5T3U/>`_ - `Logitech MK270 Keyboard/Mouse Combo <https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-MK270-Wireless-Keyboard-Mouse/dp/B079JLY5M5/>`_ - `Inland Keyboard and Mouse Combo <http://www.amazon.com/Inland-Wireless-2-4GHz-Optical-Keyboard/dp/B009V9IWCO/ref=sr_sp-btf_image_1_10?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1376403707&sr=1-10&keywords=inland+mouse+and+keyboard>`_ Mice ****** **Make sure that you plug the mouse into the USB Host connector before powering on the board.** - `Amazon Basics Wireless Computer Mouse <https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Wireless-Computer-Mouse-Receiver/dp/B005EJH6Z4/>`_ - `Logitech M310 <http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-mouse-m310>`_ USB HUBS ********** **Make sure that you plug the HUB into the USB Host connector before powering on the board.** - `Inland 4 Port <http://www.microcenter.com/product/360458/4-Port_USB_20_Hub>`_ - `Manhattan 10-port HUB <http://www.microcenter.com/product/393316/10-Port_USB_20_Hi-Speed_Desktop_Hub>`_ - `4-Port USB Cable HUB <http://www.microcenter.com/product/354122/4-Port_USB_20_Cable_Hub>`_ - `D-Link 7-Port USB 2.0 Hub DUB-H7 <https://www.dlink.com/en/products/dub-h7-7-port-usb-2-0-hub>`_ - `Trust HU-5770 7-Port Powered Hub <http://www.amazon.co.uk/TRUST-UK-HU-5770-PORT-POWERED/dp/B000HG5Q42>`_ .. tip:: Make sure you are powering BeagleBone with decent power supply with enough current before attaching any additional peripherals. If you require many USB peripheral USB devices to be attached, consider using a "Powered USB Hub" See :ref:`accessories-power-supplies` for more information on power requirements.