.. _contribution: Contribution ############### .. important:: First off, thanks for taking the time to think about contributing! .. note:: For donations, see `BeagleBoard.org - Donate `__. The BeagleBoard.org Foundation maintains source for many open source projects. Example projects suitable for first contributions: * `BeagleBoard project documentation `__ * `Debian image bug repository `__ * `Debian image builder `__ These guidelines are mostly suggestions, not hard-set rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a merge request. .. todo:: We need some kind of documentation on how the build process runs and how Sphinx is configured. This `conf.yml` file is just a mystery, with insufficient information on the provided interface. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 code-of-conduct faq prerequisites background how gsoc git-usage style rst-cheat-sheet linux-upstream doc-builder /CONTRIB